'\" t .TH "SOURCES\&.CONF" "5" "2\&.10\&.99" "MacPorts 2\&.10\&.99" "MacPorts Manual" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "NAME" sources.conf \- port definition configuration file of the MacPorts system .SH "DESCRIPTION" .sp \fBsources\&.conf\fR is the configuration file used by the MacPorts system to locate its port definitions\&. The file is read by the \fBport\fR command to find available ports and how to install them\&. Lines beginning with \fI#\fR are comments, empty lines are ignored\&. Entries in this file are URIs optionally followed by flags in square brackets\&. Each source specification is given on a separate line\&. A grammar in EBNF is given below: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf line = URI, [ \*(Aq[\*(Aq, flag, { space, flag }, \*(Aq]\*(Aq ] ; flag = \*(Aqdefault\*(Aq | \*(Aqnosync\*(Aq ; space = \*(Aq \*(Aq | \*(Aq\et\*(Aq ; .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .SH "URI FORMATS" .sp MacPorts supports a number of different protocols as source descriptions\&. .PP \fIrsync://\fR .RS 4 Followed by a server name and a path on this server, this URI instructs MacPorts to fetch the contents of the file or directory referenced by this URI into a path of its own choosing\&. This is the default method of port tree synchronization and is generally recommended\&. MacPorts will derive a machine\- and architecture\-specific URI (in the subdirectory PortIndex_${platform}_${os_major}_${os_arch}/) and attempt to download a pre\-generated PortIndex (including the PortIndex\&.quick file) from there\&. .PP \fBExample\fR .RS 4 rsync://rsync\&.macports\&.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports\&.tar .RE .PP \fBDefault\fR .RS 4 rsync://rsync\&.macports\&.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports\&.tar [default] .RE .RE .PP \fIfile://\fR .RS 4 Followed by an absolute path (which will result in \fBthree\fR slashes at the beginning of the URI) to a local directory that should be used as port tree\&. A port index will automatically be generated for this source\&. Note that MacPorts will try to determine whether the given path is under source control and attempt to update from the default remote server if it is\&. Currently, Subversion and Git (including git\-svn) are supported options\&. You can add the \fInosync\fR tag to avoid this behavior\&. NOTE: The MacPorts user (usually called \fImacports\fR) needs to be able to read and write to this location\&. This usually means your home directory is not a suitable place for a port tree, unless you adjust permissions accordingly\&. .PP \fBExample\fR .RS 4 \m[blue]\fBfile:///opt/dports\fR\m[] [nosync,default] .RE .PP \fBDefault\fR .RS 4 none .RE .RE .PP \fIhttp://\fR, \fIhttps://\fR and \fIftp://\fR .RS 4 Followed by a server name and a path on this server, this URI instructs MacPorts to download a tarball snapshot of a ports tree from the URI and extract it to a path of its choice\&. This possibility is provided as a fallback to users that can use neither rsync nor subversion to sync the MacPorts port tree\&. If the tarball contains a pre\-built PortIndex and PortIndex\&.quick file at PortIndex_${platform}_${os_major}_${os_arch}/, those will be used as default\&. If it does not, MacPorts will build a suitable port index for the local system automatically\&. .RE .SH "SOURCE FORMATS" .sp Port definition trees can be either directories (e\&.g\&. for the \fIfile://\fR and rsync methods) or tarballs (for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and rsync)\&. For the directory format, no additional verification is performed\&. Because transfers using rsync are not encrypted or authenticated, the use of this setup over rsync is discouraged\&. .sp If the URI ends with \fI\&.tar\fR, MacPorts assumes the source is a tarball and attempts to download an additional \fI\&.tar\&.rmd160\fR signature file\&. It then uses the public keys configured in \fBpubkeys.conf\fR(5) to verify this signature to ensure the source has not been tampered with\&. You are strongly encouraged to use this setup, and it has been the default for MacPorts since it has been introduced\&. .SH "FLAGS" .sp Source specifications support a number of flags that modify the behavior of a source: .PP \fInosync\fR .RS 4 Skip this source when \fBport sync\fR or \fBport selfupdate\fR are used\&. You can use this flag to avoid updating your local ports tree managed by a source control system such as Git or Subversion\&. You are responsible for generating a current port index using the \fBportindex\fR(1) command for sources marked with this flag\&. .RE .PP \fIdefault\fR .RS 4 Mark this source as the default\&. The default source is used as a fallback to load additional files (such as PortGroups and mirror definitions) from the \fI_resources/port1\&.0\fR directory\&. .RE .SH "FILES" .sp The path of the \fIsources\&.conf\fR file is specified in the \fBsources_conf\fR option of \fBmacports.conf\fR(5)\&. It defaults to \fI${prefix}/etc/macports/sources\&.conf\fR\&. There is no user\-specific \fIsources\&.conf\fR file, but support for this can be emulated by setting \fIsources\&.conf\fR in the user\-specific \fBmacports.conf\fR(5) file\&. .SH "SEE ALSO" .sp \fBport\fR(1), \fBport-selfupdate\fR(1), \fBport-sync\fR(1), \fBportindex\fR(1), \fBmacports.conf\fR(5) .SH "AUTHORS" .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf (C) 2015 The MacPorts Project Clemens Lang .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\}