rfc9678v3.xml   rfc9678.xml 
skipping to change at line 319 skipping to change at line 319
| +-----------------------------------------------------+--+ | +-----------------------------------------------------+--+
| | The Server checks the RES and MAC values received in | | | The Server checks the RES and MAC values received in |
| | AT_RES and AT_MAC, respectively. Success requires | | | AT_RES and AT_MAC, respectively. Success requires |
| | both compared values match, respectively. | | | both compared values match, respectively. |
| +-----------------------------------------------------+--+ | +-----------------------------------------------------+--+
| | | |
| EAP-Success | | EAP-Success |
|<-----------------------------------------------------------+ |<-----------------------------------------------------------+
| | | |
]]></artwork> ]]></artwork>
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<polygon class="arrowhead" points="520,672 508,666.4 508,677.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,512,672)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="48,800 36,794.4 36,805.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,40,800)"/>
<polygon class="arrowhead" points="520,144 508,138.4 508,149.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(0,512,144)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="48,384 36,378.4 36,389.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,40,384)"/>
<polygon class="arrowhead" points="48,800 36,794.4 36,805.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,40,800)"/> <polygon class="arrowhead" points="48,80 36,74.4 36,85.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,40,80)"/>
<polygon class="arrowhead" points="48,384 36,378.4 36,389.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,40,384)"/> <g class="text">
<polygon class="arrowhead" points="48,80 36,74.4 36,85.6" fill="black" transform="rotate(180,40,80)"/> <text x="28" y="36">Peer</text>
<g class="text"> <text x="516" y="36">Server</text>
<text x="28" y="36">Peer</text> <text x="428" y="68">EAP-Request/Identity</text>
<text x="516" y="36">Server</text> <text x="128" y="116">EAP-Response/Identity</text>
<text x="428" y="68">EAP-Request/Identity</text> <text x="80" y="132">(Includes</text>
<text x="128" y="116">EAP-Response/Identity</text> <text x="148" y="132">user's</text>
<text x="80" y="132">(Includes</text> <text x="208" y="132">Network</text>
<text x="148" y="132">user's</text> <text x="268" y="132">Access</text>
<text x="208" y="132">Network</text> <text x="340" y="132">Identifier</text>
<text x="268" y="132">Access</text> <text x="412" y="132">(NAI))</text>
<text x="344" y="132">Identifier</text> <text x="96" y="180">The</text>
<text x="412" y="132">(NAI))</text> <text x="140" y="180">Server</text>
<text x="124" y="180">Server</text> <text x="212" y="180">determines</text>
<text x="196" y="180">determines</text> <text x="272" y="180">the</text>
<text x="256" y="180">the</text> <text x="320" y="180">network</text>
<text x="304" y="180">network</text> <text x="372" y="180">name</text>
<text x="356" y="180">name</text> <text x="408" y="180">and</text>
<text x="392" y="180">and</text> <text x="456" y="180">ensures</text>
<text x="440" y="180">ensures</text> <text x="508" y="180">that</text>
<text x="492" y="180">that</text> <text x="96" y="196">the</text>
<text x="112" y="196">the</text> <text x="136" y="196">given</text>
<text x="152" y="196">given</text> <text x="188" y="196">access</text>
<text x="204" y="196">access</text> <text x="248" y="196">network</text>
<text x="264" y="196">network</text> <text x="292" y="196">is</text>
<text x="308" y="196">is</text> <text x="348" y="196">authorized</text>
<text x="364" y="196">authorized</text> <text x="404" y="196">to</text>
<text x="420" y="196">to</text> <text x="432" y="196">use</text>
<text x="448" y="196">use</text> <text x="464" y="196">the</text>
<text x="480" y="196">the</text> <text x="112" y="212">claimed</text>
<text x="128" y="212">claimed</text> <text x="168" y="212">name.</text>
<text x="184" y="212">name.</text> <text x="216" y="212">The</text>
<text x="224" y="212">The</text> <text x="260" y="212">Server</text>
<text x="268" y="212">Server</text> <text x="308" y="212">then</text>
<text x="316" y="212">then</text> <text x="348" y="212">runs</text>
<text x="356" y="212">runs</text> <text x="384" y="212">the</text>
<text x="392" y="212">the</text> <text x="436" y="212">EAP-AKA'</text>
<text x="428" y="212">AKA'</text> <text x="124" y="228">algorithms</text>
<text x="492" y="212">algorithms</text> <text x="212" y="228">generating</text>
<text x="140" y="228">generating</text> <text x="276" y="228">RAND</text>
<text x="204" y="228">RAND</text> <text x="312" y="228">and</text>
<text x="240" y="228">and</text> <text x="352" y="228">AUTN,</text>
<text x="280" y="228">AUTN,</text> <text x="392" y="228">and</text>
<text x="336" y="228">derives</text> <text x="440" y="228">derives</text>
<text x="400" y="228">session</text> <text x="504" y="228">session</text>
<text x="452" y="228">keys</text> <text x="100" y="244">keys</text>
<text x="492" y="228">from</text> <text x="140" y="244">from</text>
<text x="112" y="244">CK'</text> <text x="176" y="244">CK'</text>
<text x="144" y="244">and</text> <text x="208" y="244">and</text>
<text x="180" y="244">IK'.</text> <text x="244" y="244">IK'.</text>
<text x="220" y="244">RAND</text> <text x="292" y="244">RAND</text>
<text x="256" y="244">and</text> <text x="328" y="244">and</text>
<text x="292" y="244">AUTN</text> <text x="364" y="244">AUTN</text>
<text x="328" y="244">are</text> <text x="400" y="244">are</text>
<text x="364" y="244">sent</text> <text x="436" y="244">sent</text>
<text x="396" y="244">as</text> <text x="468" y="244">as</text>
<text x="440" y="244">AT_RAND</text> <text x="112" y="260">AT_RAND</text>
<text x="488" y="244">and</text> <text x="160" y="260">and</text>
<text x="128" y="260">AT_AUTN</text> <text x="208" y="260">AT_AUTN</text>
<text x="208" y="260">attributes,</text> <text x="288" y="260">attributes,</text>
<text x="288" y="260">whereas</text> <text x="368" y="260">whereas</text>
<text x="336" y="260">the</text> <text x="416" y="260">the</text>
<text x="384" y="260">network</text> <text x="464" y="260">network</text>
<text x="436" y="260">name</text> <text x="516" y="260">name</text>
<text x="468" y="260">is</text> <text x="92" y="276">is</text>
<text x="144" y="276">transported</text> <text x="152" y="276">transported</text>
<text x="204" y="276">in</text> <text x="212" y="276">in</text>
<text x="232" y="276">the</text> <text x="240" y="276">the</text>
<text x="300" y="276">AT_KDF_INPUT</text> <text x="308" y="276">AT_KDF_INPUT</text>
<text x="396" y="276">attribute.</text> <text x="404" y="276">attribute.</text>
<text x="468" y="276">AT_KDF</text> <text x="484" y="276">AT_KDF</text>
<text x="128" y="292">signals</text> <text x="112" y="292">signals</text>
<text x="176" y="292">the</text> <text x="160" y="292">the</text>
<text x="212" y="292">used</text> <text x="196" y="292">used</text>
<text x="248" y="292">key</text> <text x="232" y="292">key</text>
<text x="308" y="292">derivation</text> <text x="292" y="292">derivation</text>
<text x="392" y="292">function.</text> <text x="376" y="292">function.</text>
<text x="448" y="292">The</text> <text x="440" y="292">The</text>
<text x="496" y="292">session</text> <text x="488" y="292">session</text>
<text x="116" y="308">keys</text> <text x="100" y="308">keys</text>
<text x="152" y="308">are</text> <text x="136" y="308">are</text>
<text x="188" y="308">used</text> <text x="172" y="308">used</text>
<text x="220" y="308">to</text> <text x="204" y="308">to</text>
<text x="260" y="308">create</text> <text x="244" y="308">create</text>
<text x="304" y="308">the</text> <text x="288" y="308">the</text>
<text x="348" y="308">AT_MAC</text> <text x="332" y="308">AT_MAC</text>
<text x="420" y="308">attribute.</text> <text x="404" y="308">attribute.</text>
<text x="404" y="356">EAP-Request/AKA'-Challenge</text> <text x="404" y="356">EAP-Request/AKA'-Challenge</text>
<text x="160" y="372">(AT_RAND,</text> <text x="160" y="372">(AT_RAND,</text>
<text x="236" y="372">AT_AUTN,</text> <text x="236" y="372">AT_AUTN,</text>
<text x="304" y="372">AT_KDF,</text> <text x="304" y="372">AT_KDF,</text>
<text x="392" y="372">AT_KDF_INPUT,</text> <text x="392" y="372">AT_KDF_INPUT,</text>
<text x="480" y="372">AT_MAC)</text> <text x="480" y="372">AT_MAC)</text>
<text x="32" y="420">The</text> <text x="32" y="420">The</text>
<text x="68" y="420">Peer</text> <text x="68" y="420">Peer</text>
<text x="132" y="420">determines</text> <text x="132" y="420">determines</text>
<text x="196" y="420">what</text> <text x="196" y="420">what</text>
<text x="232" y="420">the</text> <text x="232" y="420">the</text>
<text x="280" y="420">network</text> <text x="280" y="420">network</text>
<text x="332" y="420">name</text> <text x="332" y="420">name</text>
<text x="380" y="420">should</text> <text x="380" y="420">should</text>
<text x="424" y="420">be,</text> <text x="424" y="420">be,</text>
<text x="40" y="436">based</text> <text x="40" y="436">based</text>
<text x="80" y="436">on,</text> <text x="80" y="436">on,</text>
<text x="120" y="436">e.g.,</text> <text x="120" y="436">e.g.,</text>
<text x="164" y="436">what</text> <text x="164" y="436">what</text>
<text x="212" y="436">access</text> <text x="212" y="436">access</text>
<text x="284" y="436">technology</text> <text x="284" y="436">technology</text>
<text x="340" y="436">it</text> <text x="340" y="436">it</text>
<text x="364" y="436">is</text> <text x="364" y="436">is</text>
<text x="404" y="436">using.</text> <text x="404" y="436">using.</text>
<text x="32" y="452">The</text> <text x="32" y="452">The</text>
<text x="68" y="452">Peer</text> <text x="68" y="452">Peer</text>
<text x="108" y="452">also</text> <text x="108" y="452">also</text>
<text x="168" y="452">retrieves</text> <text x="168" y="452">retrieves</text>
<text x="224" y="452">the</text> <text x="224" y="452">the</text>
<text x="272" y="452">network</text> <text x="272" y="452">network</text>
<text x="324" y="452">name</text> <text x="324" y="452">name</text>
<text x="364" y="452">sent</text> <text x="364" y="452">sent</text>
<text x="396" y="452">by</text> <text x="396" y="452">by</text>
<text x="424" y="452">the</text> <text x="424" y="452">the</text>
<text x="48" y="468">network</text> <text x="48" y="468">network</text>
<text x="100" y="468">from</text> <text x="100" y="468">from</text>
<text x="136" y="468">the</text> <text x="136" y="468">the</text>
<text x="204" y="468">AT_KDF_INPUT</text> <text x="204" y="468">AT_KDF_INPUT</text>
<text x="300" y="468">attribute.</text> <text x="300" y="468">attribute.</text>
<text x="360" y="468">The</text> <text x="368" y="468">The</text>
<text x="392" y="468">two</text> <text x="400" y="468">two</text>
<text x="432" y="468">names</text> <text x="440" y="468">names</text>
<text x="32" y="484">are</text> <text x="32" y="484">are</text>
<text x="84" y="484">compared</text> <text x="84" y="484">compared</text>
<text x="136" y="484">for</text> <text x="136" y="484">for</text>
<text x="212" y="484">discrepancies,</text> <text x="212" y="484">discrepancies,</text>
<text x="288" y="484">and</text> <text x="288" y="484">and</text>
<text x="316" y="484">if</text> <text x="316" y="484">if</text>
<text x="348" y="484">they</text> <text x="348" y="484">they</text>
<text x="380" y="484">do</text> <text x="380" y="484">do</text>
<text x="408" y="484">not</text> <text x="408" y="484">not</text>
<text x="44" y="500">match,</text> <text x="44" y="500">match,</text>
<text x="88" y="500">the</text> <text x="88" y="500">the</text>
<text x="164" y="500">authentication</text> <text x="164" y="500">authentication</text>
<text x="236" y="500">is</text> <text x="236" y="500">is</text>
<text x="284" y="500">aborted.</text> <text x="284" y="500">aborted.</text>
<text x="364" y="500">Otherwise,</text> <text x="372" y="500">Otherwise,</text>
<text x="424" y="500">the</text> <text x="432" y="500">the</text>
<text x="48" y="516">network</text> <text x="48" y="516">network</text>
<text x="100" y="516">name</text> <text x="100" y="516">name</text>
<text x="140" y="516">from</text> <text x="140" y="516">from</text>
<text x="212" y="516">AT_KDF_INPUT</text> <text x="176" y="516">the</text>
<text x="304" y="516">attribute</text> <text x="244" y="516">AT_KDF_INPUT</text>
<text x="356" y="516">is</text> <text x="336" y="516">attribute</text>
<text x="388" y="516">used</text> <text x="388" y="516">is</text>
<text x="420" y="516">in</text> <text x="420" y="516">used</text>
<text x="48" y="532">running</text> <text x="28" y="532">in</text>
<text x="96" y="532">the</text> <text x="72" y="532">running</text>
<text x="132" y="532">AKA'</text> <text x="120" y="532">the</text>
<text x="200" y="532">algorithms,</text> <text x="172" y="532">EAP-AKA'</text>
<text x="288" y="532">verifying</text> <text x="256" y="532">algorithms,</text>
<text x="348" y="532">AUTN</text> <text x="344" y="532">verifying</text>
<text x="388" y="532">from</text> <text x="404" y="532">AUTN</text>
<text x="48" y="548">AT_AUTN</text> <text x="444" y="532">from</text>
<text x="96" y="548">and</text> <text x="48" y="548">AT_AUTN</text>
<text x="128" y="548">MAC</text> <text x="96" y="548">and</text>
<text x="164" y="548">from</text> <text x="144" y="548">Message</text>
<text x="212" y="548">AT_MAC</text> <text x="236" y="548">Authentication</text>
<text x="288" y="548">attributes.</text> <text x="316" y="548">Code</text>
<text x="352" y="548">The</text> <text x="360" y="548">(MAC)</text>
<text x="388" y="548">Peer</text> <text x="404" y="548">from</text>
<text x="428" y="548">then</text> <text x="440" y="548">the</text>
<text x="56" y="564">generates</text> <text x="44" y="564">AT_MAC</text>
<text x="116" y="564">RES.</text> <text x="120" y="564">attributes.</text>
<text x="152" y="564">The</text> <text x="192" y="564">The</text>
<text x="188" y="564">Peer</text> <text x="228" y="564">Peer</text>
<text x="228" y="564">also</text> <text x="268" y="564">then</text>
<text x="280" y="564">derives</text> <text x="328" y="564">generates</text>
<text x="344" y="564">session</text> <text x="388" y="564">RES.</text>
<text x="396" y="564">keys</text> <text x="432" y="564">The</text>
<text x="436" y="564">from</text> <text x="36" y="580">Peer</text>
<text x="52" y="580">CK'/IK'.</text> <text x="76" y="580">also</text>
<text x="104" y="580">The</text> <text x="128" y="580">derives</text>
<text x="148" y="580">AT_RES</text> <text x="192" y="580">session</text>
<text x="192" y="580">and</text> <text x="244" y="580">keys</text>
<text x="236" y="580">AT_MAC</text> <text x="284" y="580">from</text>
<text x="308" y="580">attributes</text> <text x="336" y="580">CK'/IK.</text>
<text x="368" y="580">are</text> <text x="392" y="580">The</text>
<text x="68" y="596">constructed.</text> <text x="436" y="580">AT_RES</text>
<text x="92" y="644">EAP-Response</text> <text x="32" y="596">and</text>
<text x="204" y="644">AKA'-Challenge</text> <text x="76" y="596">AT_MAC</text>
<text x="76" y="660">(AT_RES,</text> <text x="148" y="596">attributes</text>
<text x="144" y="660">AT_MAC)</text> <text x="208" y="596">are</text>
<text x="124" y="708">Server</text> <text x="276" y="596">constructed.</text>
<text x="180" y="708">checks</text> <text x="92" y="644">EAP-Response</text>
<text x="224" y="708">the</text> <text x="204" y="644">AKA'-Challenge</text>
<text x="256" y="708">RES</text> <text x="76" y="660">(AT_RES,</text>
<text x="288" y="708">and</text> <text x="144" y="660">AT_MAC)</text>
<text x="320" y="708">MAC</text> <text x="112" y="708">The</text>
<text x="364" y="708">values</text> <text x="156" y="708">Server</text>
<text x="428" y="708">received</text> <text x="212" y="708">checks</text>
<text x="476" y="708">in</text> <text x="256" y="708">the</text>
<text x="124" y="724">AT_RES</text> <text x="288" y="708">RES</text>
<text x="168" y="724">and</text> <text x="320" y="708">and</text>
<text x="216" y="724">AT_MAC,</text> <text x="352" y="708">MAC</text>
<text x="304" y="724">respectively.</text> <text x="396" y="708">values</text>
<text x="392" y="724">Success</text> <text x="460" y="708">received</text>
<text x="460" y="724">requires</text> <text x="508" y="708">in</text>
<text x="516" y="724">both</text> <text x="124" y="724">AT_RES</text>
<text x="132" y="740">compared</text> <text x="168" y="724">and</text>
<text x="196" y="740">values</text> <text x="216" y="724">AT_MAC,</text>
<text x="252" y="740">match,</text> <text x="304" y="724">respectively.</text>
<text x="336" y="740">respectively.</text> <text x="400" y="724">Success</text>
<text x="464" y="788">EAP-Success</text> <text x="468" y="724">requires</text>
</g> <text x="116" y="740">both</text>
</svg> <text x="172" y="740">compared</text>
</artwork> <text x="236" y="740">values</text>
<text x="292" y="740">match,</text>
<text x="376" y="740">respectively.</text>
<text x="464" y="788">EAP-Success</text>
</artset> </artset>
</figure> </figure>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="attacks" numbered="true" toc="default"> <section anchor="attacks" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Attacks Against Long-Term Keys in Smart Cards</name> <name>Attacks Against Long-Term Keys in Smart Cards</name>
<t>The general security properties and potential vulnerabilities of <t>The general security properties and potential vulnerabilities of
AKA and EAP-AKA' are discussed in <xref target="RFC9048" AKA and EAP-AKA' are discussed in <xref target="RFC9048"
format="default"/>.</t> format="default"/>.</t>
<t>An important question in that discussion relates to the potential <t>An important question in that discussion relates to the potential
compromise of long-term keys, as discussed earlier. Attacks on compromise of long-term keys, as discussed earlier. Attacks on
skipping to change at line 706 skipping to change at line 712
| | who held the long-term key, only an active attacker | | | who held the long-term key, only an active attacker |
| | could have determined the generated session keys; in | | | could have determined the generated session keys; in |
| | basic EAP-AKA' the generated keys are only based on CK | | | basic EAP-AKA' the generated keys are only based on CK |
| | and IK. | | | and IK. |
| +-------+----------------------------+----------------+--+ | +-------+----------------------------+----------------+--+
| | | | | | | |
| | EAP-Success | | | | EAP-Success | |
| |<---------------------------+ | | |<---------------------------+ |
| | | | | | | |
]]></artwork> ]]></artwork>
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<g class="text"> <circle cx="152" cy="256" r="6" class="opendot" fill="white" stroke="black"/>
<text x="28" y="36">USIM</text> <g class="text">
<text x="148" y="36">Peer</text> <text x="28" y="36">USIM</text>
<text x="380" y="36">Server</text> <text x="148" y="36">Peer</text>
<text x="524" y="36">AD</text> <text x="380" y="36">Server</text>
<text x="308" y="68">EAP-Req/Identity</text> <text x="524" y="36">AD</text>
<text x="232" y="116">EAP-Resp/Identity</text> <text x="308" y="68">EAP-Req/Identity</text>
<text x="236" y="132">(Privacy-Friendly)</text> <text x="232" y="116">EAP-Resp/Identity</text>
<text x="124" y="180">Server</text> <text x="236" y="132">(Privacy-Friendly)</text>
<text x="168" y="180">now</text> <text x="112" y="180">The</text>
<text x="200" y="180">has</text> <text x="156" y="180">Server</text>
<text x="228" y="180">an</text> <text x="200" y="180">now</text>
<text x="276" y="180">identity</text> <text x="232" y="180">has</text>
<text x="328" y="180">for</text> <text x="260" y="180">an</text>
<text x="360" y="180">the</text> <text x="308" y="180">identity</text>
<text x="400" y="180">Peer.</text> <text x="360" y="180">for</text>
<text x="440" y="180">The</text> <text x="392" y="180">the</text>
<text x="484" y="180">Server</text> <text x="432" y="180">Peer.</text>
<text x="116" y="196">then</text> <text x="480" y="180">The</text>
<text x="156" y="196">asks</text> <text x="524" y="180">Server</text>
<text x="192" y="196">the</text> <text x="116" y="196">then</text>
<text x="228" y="196">help</text> <text x="156" y="196">asks</text>
<text x="260" y="196">of</text> <text x="192" y="196">the</text>
<text x="284" y="196">AD</text> <text x="228" y="196">help</text>
<text x="308" y="196">to</text> <text x="260" y="196">of</text>
<text x="336" y="196">run</text> <text x="288" y="196">the</text>
<text x="368" y="196">AKA</text> <text x="316" y="196">AD</text>
<text x="432" y="196">algorithms,</text> <text x="340" y="196">to</text>
<text x="140" y="212">generating</text> <text x="368" y="196">run</text>
<text x="208" y="212">RAND,</text> <text x="416" y="196">EAP-AKA</text>
<text x="256" y="212">AUTN,</text> <text x="496" y="196">algorithms,</text>
<text x="304" y="212">XRES,</text> <text x="140" y="212">generating</text>
<text x="344" y="212">CK,</text> <text x="208" y="212">RAND,</text>
<text x="376" y="212">IK.</text> <text x="256" y="212">AUTN,</text>
<text x="436" y="212">Typically,</text> <text x="304" y="212">XRES,</text>
<text x="496" y="212">the</text> <text x="344" y="212">CK,</text>
<text x="108" y="228">AD</text> <text x="376" y="212">and</text>
<text x="156" y="228">performs</text> <text x="408" y="212">IK.</text>
<text x="208" y="228">the</text> <text x="476" y="212">Typically,</text>
<text x="248" y="228">first</text> <text x="536" y="212">the</text>
<text x="292" y="228">part</text> <text x="108" y="228">AD</text>
<text x="324" y="228">of</text> <text x="156" y="228">performs</text>
<text x="352" y="228">key</text> <text x="208" y="228">the</text>
<text x="416" y="228">derivations</text> <text x="248" y="228">first</text>
<text x="476" y="228">so</text> <text x="292" y="228">part</text>
<text x="508" y="228">that</text> <text x="324" y="228">of</text>
<text x="112" y="244">the</text> <text x="384" y="228">derivations</text>
<text x="188" y="244">authentication</text> <text x="444" y="228">so</text>
<text x="276" y="244">Server</text> <text x="476" y="228">that</text>
<text x="324" y="244">gets</text> <text x="512" y="228">the</text>
<text x="360" y="244">the</text> <text x="156" y="244">authentication</text>
<text x="392" y="244">CK'</text> <text x="244" y="244">Server</text>
<text x="424" y="244">and</text> <text x="292" y="244">gets</text>
<text x="456" y="244">IK'</text> <text x="328" y="244">the</text>
<text x="492" y="244">keys</text> <text x="360" y="244">CK'</text>
<text x="128" y="260">already</text> <text x="392" y="244">and</text>
<text x="180" y="260">tied</text> <text x="424" y="244">IK'</text>
<text x="212" y="260">to</text> <text x="460" y="244">keys</text>
<text x="232" y="260">a</text> <text x="512" y="244">already</text>
<text x="284" y="260">particular</text> <text x="116" y="260">tied</text>
<text x="360" y="260">network</text> <text x="144" y="260">t</text>
<text x="416" y="260">name.</text> <text x="168" y="260">a</text>
<text x="408" y="308">ID,</text> <text x="220" y="260">particular</text>
<text x="440" y="308">key</text> <text x="296" y="260">network</text>
<text x="484" y="308">deriv.</text> <text x="352" y="260">name.</text>
<text x="432" y="324">function,</text> <text x="408" y="308">ID,</text>
<text x="424" y="340">network</text> <text x="440" y="308">key</text>
<text x="476" y="340">name</text> <text x="484" y="308">deriv.</text>
<text x="440" y="388">RAND,</text> <text x="432" y="324">function,</text>
<text x="488" y="388">AUTN,</text> <text x="424" y="340">network</text>
<text x="416" y="404">XRES,</text> <text x="476" y="340">name</text>
<text x="460" y="404">CK',</text> <text x="440" y="388">RAND,</text>
<text x="496" y="404">IK'</text> <text x="488" y="388">AUTN,</text>
<text x="124" y="452">Server</text> <text x="416" y="404">XRES,</text>
<text x="168" y="452">now</text> <text x="460" y="404">CK',</text>
<text x="200" y="452">has</text> <text x="496" y="404">IK'</text>
<text x="232" y="452">the</text> <text x="112" y="452">The</text>
<text x="276" y="452">needed</text> <text x="156" y="452">Server</text>
<text x="364" y="452">authentication</text> <text x="200" y="452">now</text>
<text x="456" y="452">vector.</text> <text x="232" y="452">has</text>
<text x="500" y="452">It</text> <text x="264" y="452">the</text>
<text x="136" y="468">generates</text> <text x="308" y="452">needed</text>
<text x="188" y="468">an</text> <text x="396" y="452">authentication</text>
<text x="240" y="468">ephemeral</text> <text x="488" y="452">vector.</text>
<text x="296" y="468">key</text> <text x="540" y="452">It</text>
<text x="336" y="468">pair,</text> <text x="136" y="468">generates</text>
<text x="384" y="468">sends</text> <text x="188" y="468">an</text>
<text x="424" y="468">the</text> <text x="240" y="468">ephemeral</text>
<text x="468" y="468">public</text> <text x="296" y="468">key</text>
<text x="512" y="468">key</text> <text x="336" y="468">pair,</text>
<text x="108" y="484">of</text> <text x="376" y="468">and</text>
<text x="140" y="484">that</text> <text x="416" y="468">sends</text>
<text x="176" y="484">key</text> <text x="456" y="468">the</text>
<text x="212" y="484">pair</text> <text x="500" y="468">public</text>
<text x="248" y="484">and</text> <text x="112" y="484">key</text>
<text x="280" y="484">the</text> <text x="140" y="484">of</text>
<text x="320" y="484">first</text> <text x="172" y="484">that</text>
<text x="360" y="484">EAP</text> <text x="208" y="484">key</text>
<text x="404" y="484">method</text> <text x="244" y="484">pair</text>
<text x="464" y="484">message</text> <text x="280" y="484">and</text>
<text x="508" y="484">to</text> <text x="312" y="484">the</text>
<text x="112" y="500">the</text> <text x="352" y="484">first</text>
<text x="152" y="500">Peer.</text> <text x="392" y="484">EAP</text>
<text x="188" y="500">In</text> <text x="436" y="484">method</text>
<text x="216" y="500">the</text> <text x="496" y="484">message</text>
<text x="264" y="500">message</text> <text x="540" y="484">to</text>
<text x="312" y="500">the</text> <text x="112" y="500">the</text>
<text x="380" y="500">AT_PUB_ECDHE</text> <text x="152" y="500">Peer.</text>
<text x="472" y="500">attribute</text> <text x="188" y="500">In</text>
<text x="128" y="516">carries</text> <text x="216" y="500">the</text>
<text x="176" y="516">the</text> <text x="264" y="500">message</text>
<text x="220" y="516">public</text> <text x="312" y="500">the</text>
<text x="264" y="516">key</text> <text x="380" y="500">AT_PUB_ECDHE</text>
<text x="296" y="516">and</text> <text x="472" y="500">attribute</text>
<text x="328" y="516">the</text> <text x="128" y="516">carries</text>
<text x="384" y="516">AT_KDF_FS</text> <text x="176" y="516">the</text>
<text x="464" y="516">attribute</text> <text x="220" y="516">public</text>
<text x="128" y="532">carries</text> <text x="264" y="516">key</text>
<text x="184" y="532">other</text> <text x="296" y="516">and</text>
<text x="252" y="532">FS-related</text> <text x="328" y="516">the</text>
<text x="344" y="532">parameters.</text> <text x="384" y="516">AT_KDF_FS</text>
<text x="412" y="532">Both</text> <text x="464" y="516">attribute</text>
<text x="444" y="532">of</text> <text x="128" y="532">carries</text>
<text x="480" y="532">these</text> <text x="184" y="532">other</text>
<text x="520" y="532">are</text> <text x="252" y="532">FS-related</text>
<text x="136" y="548">skippable</text> <text x="344" y="532">parameters.</text>
<text x="220" y="548">attributes</text> <text x="412" y="532">Both</text>
<text x="284" y="548">that</text> <text x="444" y="532">of</text>
<text x="320" y="548">can</text> <text x="480" y="532">these</text>
<text x="348" y="548">be</text> <text x="520" y="532">are</text>
<text x="392" y="548">ignored</text> <text x="136" y="548">skippable</text>
<text x="436" y="548">if</text> <text x="220" y="548">attributes</text>
<text x="464" y="548">the</text> <text x="284" y="548">that</text>
<text x="500" y="548">Peer</text> <text x="320" y="548">can</text>
<text x="116" y="564">does</text> <text x="348" y="548">be</text>
<text x="152" y="564">not</text> <text x="392" y="548">ignored</text>
<text x="200" y="564">support</text> <text x="436" y="548">if</text>
<text x="252" y="564">this</text> <text x="464" y="548">the</text>
<text x="316" y="564">extension.</text> <text x="500" y="548">Peer</text>
<text x="284" y="612">EAP-Req/AKA'-Challenge</text> <text x="116" y="564">does</text>
<text x="204" y="628">AT_RAND,</text> <text x="152" y="564">not</text>
<text x="276" y="628">AT_AUTN,</text> <text x="200" y="564">support</text>
<text x="344" y="628">AT_KDF,</text> <text x="252" y="564">this</text>
<text x="220" y="644">AT_KDF_FS,</text> <text x="316" y="564">extension.</text>
<text x="320" y="644">AT_KDF_INPUT,</text> <text x="284" y="612">EAP-Req/AKA'-Challenge</text>
<text x="264" y="660">AT_PUB_ECDHE,</text> <text x="204" y="628">AT_RAND,</text>
<text x="348" y="660">AT_MAC</text> <text x="276" y="628">AT_AUTN,</text>
<text x="32" y="708">The</text> <text x="344" y="628">AT_KDF,</text>
<text x="68" y="708">Peer</text> <text x="220" y="644">AT_KDF_FS,</text>
<text x="116" y="708">checks</text> <text x="320" y="644">AT_KDF_INPUT,</text>
<text x="156" y="708">if</text> <text x="264" y="660">AT_PUB_ECDHE,</text>
<text x="180" y="708">it</text> <text x="348" y="660">AT_MAC</text>
<text x="216" y="708">wants</text> <text x="32" y="708">The</text>
<text x="252" y="708">to</text> <text x="68" y="708">Peer</text>
<text x="276" y="708">do</text> <text x="116" y="708">checks</text>
<text x="304" y="708">the</text> <text x="156" y="708">if</text>
<text x="332" y="708">FS</text> <text x="180" y="708">it</text>
<text x="388" y="708">extension.</text> <text x="216" y="708">wants</text>
<text x="444" y="708">If</text> <text x="252" y="708">to</text>
<text x="36" y="724">yes,</text> <text x="276" y="708">do</text>
<text x="68" y="724">it</text> <text x="304" y="708">the</text>
<text x="100" y="724">will</text> <text x="332" y="708">FS</text>
<text x="164" y="724">eventually</text> <text x="388" y="708">extension.</text>
<text x="240" y="724">respond</text> <text x="28" y="724">If</text>
<text x="292" y="724">with</text> <text x="60" y="724">yes,</text>
<text x="364" y="724">AT_PUB_ECDHE</text> <text x="92" y="724">it</text>
<text x="432" y="724">and</text> <text x="124" y="724">will</text>
<text x="48" y="740">AT_MAC.</text> <text x="188" y="724">eventually</text>
<text x="92" y="740">If</text> <text x="264" y="724">respond</text>
<text x="124" y="740">not,</text> <text x="316" y="724">with</text>
<text x="156" y="740">it</text> <text x="388" y="724">AT_PUB_ECDHE</text>
<text x="188" y="740">will</text> <text x="32" y="740">and</text>
<text x="236" y="740">ignore</text> <text x="80" y="740">AT_MAC.</text>
<text x="316" y="740">AT_PUB_ECDHE</text> <text x="132" y="740">If</text>
<text x="384" y="740">and</text> <text x="164" y="740">not,</text>
<text x="56" y="756">AT_KDF_FS</text> <text x="196" y="740">it</text>
<text x="112" y="756">and</text> <text x="228" y="740">will</text>
<text x="148" y="756">base</text> <text x="276" y="740">ignore</text>
<text x="184" y="756">all</text> <text x="356" y="740">AT_PUB_ECDHE</text>
<text x="252" y="756">calculations</text> <text x="424" y="740">and</text>
<text x="316" y="756">on</text> <text x="56" y="756">AT_KDF_FS</text>
<text x="352" y="756">basic</text> <text x="112" y="756">and</text>
<text x="412" y="756">EAP-AKA'</text> <text x="148" y="756">base</text>
<text x="64" y="772">attributes,</text> <text x="184" y="756">all</text>
<text x="156" y="772">continuing</text> <text x="252" y="756">calculations</text>
<text x="220" y="772">just</text> <text x="316" y="756">on</text>
<text x="252" y="772">as</text> <text x="352" y="756">basic</text>
<text x="276" y="772">in</text> <text x="412" y="756">EAP-AKA'</text>
<text x="324" y="772">EAP-AKA'</text> <text x="64" y="772">attributes,</text>
<text x="376" y="772">per</text> <text x="156" y="772">continuing</text>
<text x="408" y="772">RFC</text> <text x="220" y="772">just</text>
<text x="36" y="788">9048</text> <text x="252" y="772">as</text>
<text x="84" y="788">rules.</text> <text x="276" y="772">in</text>
<text x="124" y="788">In</text> <text x="324" y="772">EAP-AKA'</text>
<text x="152" y="788">any</text> <text x="376" y="772">per</text>
<text x="192" y="788">case,</text> <text x="408" y="772">RFC</text>
<text x="232" y="788">the</text> <text x="36" y="788">9048</text>
<text x="268" y="788">Peer</text> <text x="84" y="788">rules.</text>
<text x="312" y="788">needs</text> <text x="132" y="788">In</text>
<text x="348" y="788">to</text> <text x="160" y="788">any</text>
<text x="384" y="788">query</text> <text x="200" y="788">case,</text>
<text x="424" y="788">the</text> <text x="240" y="788">the</text>
<text x="36" y="804">auth</text> <text x="276" y="788">Peer</text>
<text x="100" y="804">parameters</text> <text x="320" y="788">needs</text>
<text x="164" y="804">from</text> <text x="356" y="788">to</text>
<text x="200" y="804">the</text> <text x="392" y="788">query</text>
<text x="236" y="804">USIM</text> <text x="432" y="788">the</text>
<text x="280" y="804">card.</text> <text x="36" y="804">auth</text>
<text x="80" y="852">RAND,</text> <text x="100" y="804">parameters</text>
<text x="124" y="852">AUTN</text> <text x="164" y="804">from</text>
<text x="56" y="900">CK,</text> <text x="200" y="804">the</text>
<text x="88" y="900">IK,</text> <text x="236" y="804">USIM</text>
<text x="120" y="900">RES</text> <text x="280" y="804">card.</text>
<text x="32" y="948">The</text> <text x="80" y="852">RAND,</text>
<text x="68" y="948">Peer</text> <text x="124" y="852">AUTN</text>
<text x="104" y="948">now</text> <text x="56" y="900">CK,</text>
<text x="136" y="948">has</text> <text x="88" y="900">IK,</text>
<text x="196" y="948">everything</text> <text x="120" y="900">RES</text>
<text x="252" y="948">to</text> <text x="32" y="948">The</text>
<text x="300" y="948">respond.</text> <text x="68" y="948">Peer</text>
<text x="348" y="948">If</text> <text x="104" y="948">now</text>
<text x="372" y="948">it</text> <text x="136" y="948">has</text>
<text x="408" y="948">wants</text> <text x="196" y="948">everything</text>
<text x="444" y="948">to</text> <text x="252" y="948">to</text>
<text x="64" y="964">participate</text> <text x="300" y="948">respond.</text>
<text x="124" y="964">in</text> <text x="356" y="948">If</text>
<text x="152" y="964">the</text> <text x="380" y="948">it</text>
<text x="180" y="964">FS</text> <text x="416" y="948">wants</text>
<text x="236" y="964">extension,</text> <text x="28" y="964">to</text>
<text x="292" y="964">it</text> <text x="88" y="964">participate</text>
<text x="324" y="964">will</text> <text x="148" y="964">in</text>
<text x="364" y="964">then</text> <text x="176" y="964">the</text>
<text x="420" y="964">generate</text> <text x="204" y="964">FS</text>
<text x="32" y="980">its</text> <text x="260" y="964">extension,</text>
<text x="64" y="980">key</text> <text x="316" y="964">it</text>
<text x="104" y="980">pair,</text> <text x="348" y="964">will</text>
<text x="168" y="980">calculate</text> <text x="388" y="964">then</text>
<text x="216" y="980">a</text> <text x="52" y="980">generate</text>
<text x="252" y="980">shared</text> <text x="104" y="980">its</text>
<text x="296" y="980">key</text> <text x="136" y="980">key</text>
<text x="336" y="980">based</text> <text x="176" y="980">pair,</text>
<text x="372" y="980">on</text> <text x="240" y="980">calculate</text>
<text x="400" y="980">its</text> <text x="288" y="980">a</text>
<text x="432" y="980">key</text> <text x="324" y="980">shared</text>
<text x="36" y="996">pair</text> <text x="368" y="980">key</text>
<text x="72" y="996">and</text> <text x="408" y="980">based</text>
<text x="104" y="996">the</text> <text x="444" y="980">on</text>
<text x="156" y="996">Server's</text> <text x="32" y="996">its</text>
<text x="220" y="996">public</text> <text x="64" y="996">key</text>
<text x="268" y="996">key.</text> <text x="100" y="996">pair</text>
<text x="324" y="996">Finally,</text> <text x="136" y="996">and</text>
<text x="372" y="996">it</text> <text x="168" y="996">the</text>
<text x="420" y="996">proceeds</text> <text x="220" y="996">Server's</text>
<text x="28" y="1012">to</text> <text x="284" y="996">public</text>
<text x="68" y="1012">derive</text> <text x="332" y="996">key.</text>
<text x="112" y="1012">all</text> <text x="396" y="996">Finally,</text>
<text x="164" y="1012">EAP-AKA'</text> <text x="444" y="996">it</text>
<text x="216" y="1012">key</text> <text x="52" y="1012">proceeds</text>
<text x="260" y="1012">values</text> <text x="100" y="1012">to</text>
<text x="304" y="1012">and</text> <text x="140" y="1012">derive</text>
<text x="364" y="1012">constructs</text> <text x="184" y="1012">all</text>
<text x="416" y="1012">a</text> <text x="236" y="1012">EAP-AKA'</text>
<text x="36" y="1028">full</text> <text x="288" y="1012">key</text>
<text x="96" y="1028">response.</text> <text x="332" y="1012">values</text>
<text x="256" y="1076">EAP-Resp/AKA'-Challenge</text> <text x="376" y="1012">and</text>
<text x="192" y="1092">AT_RES,</text> <text x="60" y="1028">constructs</text>
<text x="280" y="1092">AT_PUB_ECDHE,</text> <text x="112" y="1028">a</text>
<text x="188" y="1108">AT_MAC</text> <text x="140" y="1028">full</text>
<text x="112" y="1156">The</text> <text x="200" y="1028">response.</text>
<text x="156" y="1156">Server</text> <text x="256" y="1076">EAP-Resp/AKA'-Challenge</text>
<text x="200" y="1156">now</text> <text x="192" y="1092">AT_RES,</text>
<text x="232" y="1156">has</text> <text x="280" y="1092">AT_PUB_ECDHE,</text>
<text x="264" y="1156">all</text> <text x="188" y="1108">AT_MAC</text>
<text x="296" y="1156">the</text> <text x="112" y="1156">The</text>
<text x="352" y="1156">necessary</text> <text x="156" y="1156">Server</text>
<text x="424" y="1156">values.</text> <text x="200" y="1156">now</text>
<text x="468" y="1156">It</text> <text x="232" y="1156">has</text>
<text x="136" y="1172">generates</text> <text x="264" y="1156">all</text>
<text x="192" y="1172">the</text> <text x="296" y="1156">the</text>
<text x="232" y="1172">ECDHE</text> <text x="352" y="1156">necessary</text>
<text x="284" y="1172">shared</text> <text x="424" y="1156">values.</text>
<text x="340" y="1172">secret</text> <text x="476" y="1156">It</text>
<text x="384" y="1172">and</text> <text x="136" y="1172">generates</text>
<text x="428" y="1172">checks</text> <text x="192" y="1172">the</text>
<text x="472" y="1172">the</text> <text x="232" y="1172">ECDHE</text>
<text x="504" y="1172">RES</text> <text x="284" y="1172">shared</text>
<text x="112" y="1188">and</text> <text x="340" y="1172">secret</text>
<text x="144" y="1188">MAC</text> <text x="384" y="1172">and</text>
<text x="188" y="1188">values</text> <text x="428" y="1172">checks</text>
<text x="252" y="1188">received</text> <text x="472" y="1172">the</text>
<text x="300" y="1188">in</text> <text x="504" y="1172">RES</text>
<text x="340" y="1188">AT_RES</text> <text x="112" y="1188">and</text>
<text x="384" y="1188">and</text> <text x="144" y="1188">MAC</text>
<text x="432" y="1188">AT_MAC,</text> <text x="188" y="1188">values</text>
<text x="152" y="1204">respectively.</text> <text x="252" y="1188">received</text>
<text x="240" y="1204">Success</text> <text x="300" y="1188">in</text>
<text x="308" y="1204">requires</text> <text x="340" y="1188">AT_RES</text>
<text x="364" y="1204">both</text> <text x="384" y="1188">and</text>
<text x="396" y="1204">to</text> <text x="432" y="1188">AT_MAC,</text>
<text x="420" y="1204">be</text> <text x="152" y="1204">respectively.</text>
<text x="456" y="1204">found</text> <text x="248" y="1204">Success</text>
<text x="132" y="1220">correct.</text> <text x="316" y="1204">requires</text>
<text x="188" y="1220">Note</text> <text x="372" y="1204">both</text>
<text x="228" y="1220">that</text> <text x="404" y="1204">to</text>
<text x="268" y="1220">when</text> <text x="428" y="1204">be</text>
<text x="308" y="1220">this</text> <text x="464" y="1204">found</text>
<text x="364" y="1220">document</text> <text x="132" y="1220">correct.</text>
<text x="412" y="1220">is</text> <text x="196" y="1220">Note</text>
<text x="448" y="1220">used,</text> <text x="236" y="1220">that</text>
<text x="112" y="1236">the</text> <text x="276" y="1220">when</text>
<text x="148" y="1236">keys</text> <text x="316" y="1220">this</text>
<text x="208" y="1236">generated</text> <text x="372" y="1220">document</text>
<text x="268" y="1236">from</text> <text x="420" y="1220">is</text>
<text x="324" y="1236">EAP-AKA'</text> <text x="456" y="1220">used,</text>
<text x="376" y="1236">are</text> <text x="112" y="1236">the</text>
<text x="416" y="1236">based</text> <text x="148" y="1236">keys</text>
<text x="452" y="1236">on</text> <text x="208" y="1236">generated</text>
<text x="480" y="1236">CK,</text> <text x="268" y="1236">from</text>
<text x="512" y="1236">IK,</text> <text x="324" y="1236">EAP-AKA'</text>
<text x="112" y="1252">and</text> <text x="376" y="1236">are</text>
<text x="144" y="1252">the</text> <text x="416" y="1236">based</text>
<text x="184" y="1252">ECDHE</text> <text x="452" y="1236">on</text>
<text x="236" y="1252">value.</text> <text x="480" y="1236">CK,</text>
<text x="284" y="1252">Even</text> <text x="512" y="1236">IK,</text>
<text x="316" y="1252">if</text> <text x="112" y="1252">and</text>
<text x="352" y="1252">there</text> <text x="144" y="1252">the</text>
<text x="392" y="1252">was</text> <text x="184" y="1252">ECDHE</text>
<text x="420" y="1252">an</text> <text x="236" y="1252">value.</text>
<text x="468" y="1252">attacker</text> <text x="292" y="1252">Even</text>
<text x="520" y="1252">who</text> <text x="324" y="1252">if</text>
<text x="116" y="1268">held</text> <text x="360" y="1252">there</text>
<text x="152" y="1268">the</text> <text x="400" y="1252">was</text>
<text x="208" y="1268">long-term</text> <text x="428" y="1252">an</text>
<text x="268" y="1268">key,</text> <text x="476" y="1252">attacker</text>
<text x="308" y="1268">only</text> <text x="112" y="1268">who</text>
<text x="340" y="1268">an</text> <text x="148" y="1268">held</text>
<text x="380" y="1268">active</text> <text x="184" y="1268">the</text>
<text x="444" y="1268">attacker</text> <text x="240" y="1268">long-term</text>
<text x="504" y="1268">could</text> <text x="300" y="1268">key,</text>
<text x="116" y="1284">have</text> <text x="340" y="1268">only</text>
<text x="180" y="1284">determined</text> <text x="372" y="1268">an</text>
<text x="240" y="1284">the</text> <text x="412" y="1268">active</text>
<text x="296" y="1284">generated</text> <text x="476" y="1268">attacker</text>
<text x="368" y="1284">session</text> <text x="120" y="1284">could</text>
<text x="424" y="1284">keys;</text> <text x="164" y="1284">have</text>
<text x="460" y="1284">in</text> <text x="228" y="1284">determined</text>
<text x="496" y="1284">basic</text> <text x="288" y="1284">the</text>
<text x="132" y="1300">EAP-AKA'</text> <text x="344" y="1284">generated</text>
<text x="184" y="1300">the</text> <text x="416" y="1284">session</text>
<text x="240" y="1300">generated</text> <text x="472" y="1284">keys;</text>
<text x="300" y="1300">keys</text> <text x="508" y="1284">in</text>
<text x="336" y="1300">are</text> <text x="120" y="1300">basic</text>
<text x="372" y="1300">only</text> <text x="180" y="1300">EAP-AKA'</text>
<text x="416" y="1300">based</text> <text x="232" y="1300">the</text>
<text x="452" y="1300">on</text> <text x="288" y="1300">generated</text>
<text x="476" y="1300">CK</text> <text x="348" y="1300">keys</text>
<text x="504" y="1300">and</text> <text x="384" y="1300">are</text>
<text x="112" y="1316">IK.</text> <text x="420" y="1300">only</text>
<text x="328" y="1364">EAP-Success</text> <text x="464" y="1300">based</text>
</g> <text x="500" y="1300">on</text>
</svg> <text x="524" y="1300">CK</text>
</artwork> <text x="112" y="1316">and</text>
<text x="140" y="1316">IK</text>
<text x="328" y="1364">EAP-Success</text>
</artset> </artset>
</figure> </figure>
</section> </section>
<section numbered="true" toc="default"> <section numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Extensions to EAP-AKA'</name> <name>Extensions to EAP-AKA'</name>
<section anchor="at_pub_dh" numbered="true" toc="default"> <section anchor="at_pub_dh" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>AT_PUB_ECDHE</name> <name>AT_PUB_ECDHE</name>
<t>The AT_PUB_ECDHE attribute carries an ECDHE value.</t> <t>The AT_PUB_ECDHE attribute carries an ECDHE value.</t>
<t>The format of the AT_PUB_ECDHE attribute is shown below.</t> <t>The format of the AT_PUB_ECDHE attribute is shown below.</t>
<artset> <artset>
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
663 lines changed or deleted 674 lines changed or added

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