math - The NetBSD Packages Collection
There are
packages in this category:
- QXlsx-1.5.0
- Excel file reader/writer library using Qt
- R-4.4.2nb4
- Statistical language for data analysis and graphics
- R-CGIwithR-0.73.0nb41
- Facilities for the use of R to write CGI scripts
- R-CompQuadForm-1.4.3
- Distribution Function of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables
- R-DAAG-1.25.6
- Data analysis and graphics data and functions
- R-DBI-1.2.3
- R database interface
- R-DEoptimR-1.1.3
- Differential evolution optimization in pure R
- R-Deriv-4.1.6
- Symbolic Differentiation
- R-FNN-
- Fast nearest neighbor search algorithms and applications
- R-Formula-1.2.5
- Extended model formulas
- R-GPArotation-2024.3.1
- Gradient Projection Factor Rotation
- R-GRASS-0.3.8
- Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R
- R-ISLR-1.4
- Data for the "ISLR" book
- R-ISwR-2.0.9
- Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R'
- R-LearnBayes-2.15.1
- Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference
- R-MatrixModels-0.5.3
- Modelling with sparse and dense matrices
- R-PHYLOGR-1.0.11
- Functions for phylogenetically based statistical analyses
- R-R2HTML-2.3.4
- HTML exportation for R objects
- R-RArcInfo-0.4.12
- Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages
- R-RColorBrewer-1.1.3
- ColorBrewer palettes
- R-RNetCDF-2.9.2nb3
- Interface to NetCDF datasets
- R-RPostgreSQL-0.7.7
- R interface to the PostgreSQL database system
- R-Rcmdr-2.9.5
- Platform-independent basic-statistics GUI for R
- R-RcmdrMisc-2.9.1
- R Commander miscellaneous functions
- R-RcppArmadillo-
- Rcpp integration for the Armadillo templated linear algebra library
- R-RcppEigen-
- Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
- R-SparseM-1.84.2
- Sparse linear algebra
- R-VGAM-1.1.12
- Vector generalized linear and additive models
- R-VGAMdata-1.1.12
- Data Supporting the 'VGAM' Package
- R-VGAMextra-0.0.6
- Additions and Extensions of the 'VGAM' Package
- R-XML-
- Tools for parsing and generating XML within R
- R-abind-1.4.8
- Combine multi-dimensional arrays
- R-acepack-1.4.2
- ACE and AVAS for selecting multiple regression transformations
- R-akima-
- Interpolation of irregularly and regularly spaced data
- R-aplpack-1.3.5
- Functions for drawing special plots
- R-backports-1.5.0
- Reimplementations of functions introduced since R-3.0.0
- R-bbmle-
- Tools for general maximum likelihood estimation
- R-bdsmatrix-1.3.7
- Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric Matrices
- R-bitops-1.0.9
- Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors
- R-broom-1.0.7
- Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
- R-car-3.1.3
- Companion to 'Applied Regression'
- R-carData-3.0.5
- Companion to 'Applied Regression' data sets
- R-chemometrics-1.4.4
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics
- R-chron-2.3.61
- Chronological objects which can handle dates and times
- R-circular-0.5.1
- Circular statistics
- R-classInt-0.4.10
- Choose univariate class intervals
- R-coda-
- Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC
- R-combinat-0.0.8
- Combinatorics utilities
- R-compositions-2.0.8
- Compositional data analysis
- R-conflicted-1.2.0
- Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy
- R-date-1.2.42
- Functions for handling dates
- R-doBy-4.6.24
- Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilities
- R-dplyr-1.1.4
- Grammar of data manipulation
- R-e1071-1.7.16
- Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien
- R-ellipsis-0.3.2
- Collection of functions to catch problems and alert the user
- R-emdbook-1.3.13
- Support functions and data for "Ecological Models and Data"
- R-energy-1.7.12
- E-statistics: multivariate inference via the energy of data
- R-estimability-1.5.1
- Tools for assessing estimability of linear predictions
- R-fastmatch-1.1.4
- Fast 'match()' Function
- R-forcats-1.0.0
- Tools for working with categorical variables (factors)
- R-forecast-8.23.0
- Forecasting functions for time series and linear models
- R-fracdiff-1.5.3
- Fractionally differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(p,d,q) models
- R-gdata-3.0.1
- Various R programming tools for data manipulation
- R-generics-0.1.3
- Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting
- R-genetics-
- Classes and methods for handling genetic data
- R-geoR-1.9.4
- Analysis of geostatistical data
- R-goftest-1.2.3
- Classical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions
- R-googlesheets4-1.1.1
- Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
- R-gsl-2.1.8
- R wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
- R-gss-2.2.8
- General smoothing splines
- R-gstat-2.1.2
- Spatial & spatio-temporal modelling, prediction and simulation
- R-gtable-0.3.6
- Arrange 'Grobs' in tables
- R-gtools-3.9.5
- Various R programming tools
- R-hexbin-1.28.5
- Hexagonal Binning Routines
- R-httpRequest-0.0.11
- Basic HTTP request
- R-hwde-0.67.3
- Models and tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- R-ids-1.0.1
- Generate Random Identifiers
- R-igraph-2.1.1nb1
- Network analysis and visualization
- R-insight-0.20.5
- Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
- R-intervals-0.15.5
- Tools for working with points and intervals
- R-itertools-0.1.3
- Iterator Tools
- R-lars-1.3
- Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise
- R-lme4-
- Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4
- R-lmm-1.4
- Linear mixed models
- R-lmtest-0.9.40
- Testing linear regression models
- R-mapproj-1.2.11
- Map projections
- R-mclust-6.1.1
- Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation
- R-minqa-1.2.8
- Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation
- R-mitools-2.4
- Tools for multiple imputation of missing data
- R-mnormt-2.1.1
- Multivariate normal and t distributions
- R-modelr-0.1.11
- Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe
- R-moonsun-0.1.3
- Basic astronomical calculations with R
- R-mvtnorm-1.3.2
- Multivariate normal and t distributions
- R-ncdf-1.6.6nb31
- High-level R interface to Unidata's netCDF data files
- R-ncdf4-1.23nb5
- Interface to Unidata netCDF (Version 4 or Earlier) Format Data Files
- R-nimble-1.2.1
- MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling
- R-nloptr-2.1.1nb1
- R interface to NLopt
- R-nortest-1.0.4
- Tests for normality
- R-numDeriv-2016.8.1.1
- Accurate numerical derivatives
- R-pbkrtest-0.5.3
- Parametric bootstrap & Kenward Roger based methods for mixed model comparison
- R-pcaPP-2.0.5
- Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit
- R-pixmap-0.4.13
- Functions for manipulations of bitmaps with R
- R-pls-2.8.5
- Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
- R-plyr-1.8.9
- Tools for splitting, applying and combining data
- R-poweRlaw-0.80.0
- Analysis of heavy tailed distributions
- R-pracma-2.4.4
- Practical Numerical Math Functions
- R-prettyunits-1.2.0
- Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities
- R-prob-1.0.1
- Elementary probability on finite sample spaces
- R-proxy-0.4.27
- Distance and Similarity Measures
- R-psych-
- Procedures for psychological and psychometric research
- R-quadprog-1.5.8
- Functions to solve quadratic programming problems
- R-quantreg-5.99
- Quantile regression
- R-randomForest-
- Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression
- R-relimp-1.0.5
- Relative contribution of effects in a regression model
- R-repurrrsive-1.1.0
- Examples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data Frames
- R-reshape2-1.4.4
- Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
- R-robustbase-
- Basic robust statistics
- R-rstudioapi-0.17.1
- Safely access the RStudio API
- R-sandwich-3.1.1
- Robust covariance matrix estimators
- R-sets-1.0.25
- Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals
- R-sgeostat-1.0.27
- Object-oriented framework for geostatistical modeling in S+
- R-shapefiles-0.7.2
- Read and write ESRI shapefiles
- R-slam-0.1.55
- Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
- R-som-
- Self-Organizing Map
- R-sp-2.1.4
- Classes and methods for spatial data
- R-spacetime-1.3.2
- Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data
- R-splancs-2.01.45
- Spatial and space-time point pattern analysis
- R-stabledist-0.7.2
- Stable distribution functions
- R-stat.extend-0.1.4
- Highest Density Regions and Other Functions of Distributions
- R-statmod-1.5.0
- Statistical modeling
- R-stringdist-0.9.12
- Approximate String Matching and String Distance Functions
- R-survey-4.4.2
- Analysis of complex survey samples
- R-tensor-1.5
- Tensor product of arrays
- R-tensorA-
- Advanced tensor arithmetic with named indices
- R-tibble-3.2.1
- Simple data frames
- R-tidyr-1.3.1
- Easily tidy data with 'spread()' and 'gather()' functions
- R-tmvnsim-1.0.2
- Truncated Multivariate Normal Simulation
- R-units-0.8.5
- Measurement Units for R Vectors
- R-urca-1.3.4
- Unit root and cointegration tests for time series data
- R-vctrs-0.6.5
- Vector helpers
- R-xtable-1.8.4
- Export tables to LaTeX or HTML
- R-xts-0.14.1
- eXtensible Time Series
- R-zeallot-0.1.0
- Multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment
- R-zoo-1.8.12
- S3 infrastructure for regular and irregular time series
- TinySVM-0.09
- Tiny Support Vector Machines
- aamath-0.3nb2
- ASCII art mathematics
- abs-0.8nb2
- Free spreadsheet with graphical user interface
- admesh-0.95
- Program for processing triangulated solid meshes
- algae-4.3.6nb2
- Interpreted language for numerical analysis
- amath-1.8.3
- Simple command line calculator
- analitza-23.08.4nb5
- KDE library for mathematical features
- antixls-0.2bnb11
- Print XLS file with minimal formatting, or as CSV
- aribas-1.63
- Multi-precision floating point and big integer arithmetic calculator
- armadillo-12.6.7
- C++ linear algebra library
- arpack-ng-3.9.1
- Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems
- basic-stats-
- Command-line tool to perform basic statistics on tabular data
- bc-1.08.1
- Arbitrary precision calculator language
- bc-gh-7.0.3
- Implementation of POSIX bc with GNU extensions
- bcal-2.4
- Storage and general-purpose calculator
- blas-3.12.0
- Basic Linear Algebra System (Netlib reference implementation)
- blas64-3.12.0
- Reference Basic Linear Algebra System with 64 bit indices
- blitz++-0.8nb3
- C++ template class library providing array objects
- boolstuff-0.1.16nb2
- Disjunctive Normal Form boolean expression C++ library
- calc-2.02fnb4
- Advanced Calculator for GNU Emacs
- calcoo-1.3.18nb42
- Scientific calculator
- cantor-23.08.4nb10
- KDE frontend to mathematical software
- capc-calc-
- C arbitrary precision calculator
- cblas-3.12.0
- C interface to the reference BLAS library
- cblas64-3.12.0
- C interface to the reference BLAS with 64 bit indices
- cgal-5.6.2
- Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
- classias-
- Collection of machine-learning algorithms for classification
- cln-1.3.6
- CLN Class Library for Numbers
- coinmp-1.8.4
- Linear Programming solver library
- congen-1.7nb2
- Constants generator for tidal constituents
- crfsuite-0.12nb5
- Fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)
- dcdflib.c-1.1nb1
- Library of C Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
- dcdflib.f-1.1nb3
- Library of Fortran Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
- dfftpack-20001209nb2
- Double precision version of FFTPACK
- dieharder-3.31.1nb1
- Random number generator test suite
- djbfft-0.76
- Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
- djbsort-20190516nb2
- Library for sorting arrays of integers
- double-conversion-3.3.0
- Conversion routines for IEEE doubles
- dragonbox-1.1.3
- Floating-point to binary-to-decimal conversion library
- eigen-2.0.17nb1
- C++ template library for linear algebra
- eigen3-3.4.0nb1
- C++ template library for linear algebra
- eispack-20001130nb2
- Fortran routines for the solution of eigenvalue problems
- erfa-2.0.1
- Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
- ess-13.09.1nb10
- Emacs Speaks Statistics
- eukleides-1.5.4nb3
- Euclidean geometry drawing language
- eukleides-1.0.3
- Euclidean geometry drawing language
- euler-1.61nb42
- Interactive numerical analysis and graphics program
- fast_float-7.0.0
- Number parsing library
- fftpack-20001130nb2
- Single precision Fortran FFT subroutines
- ffts-20170617
- The Fastest Fourier Transform in the South
- fftw-3.3.10nb2
- Fast C routines to compute DFTs (single and double precision)
- fftw-long-3.3.10
- Fast C routines to compute DFTs (long double precision)
- fftw-quad-3.3.10
- Fast C routines to compute DFTs (quad precision)
- fftw2-2.1.5nb3
- Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
- fgmp-1.0b5
- Minimalist free re-implementation of GNU multi-precision routines
- fitme-1.1.0
- CLI curve fitting tool
- fityk-1.3.2nb9
- Peak fitting software
- flann-lib-1.9.2nb1
- Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
- four-bar-rs-7.0.4nb3
- Simulator and synthesizing tool for four-bar linkage mechanism
- fplll-5.3.2
- Lattice algorithms using floating-point arithmetic
- fricas-1.3.5nb2
- Fork of the Axiom computer algebra system
- galculator-2.1.4nb20
- Desktop calculator with scientific / RPN modes
- gap-4.3.5nb2
- Computational group theory and discrete algebra language
- gappa-1.3.5
- Formal verification tool for numerical programs
- geg-1.0.2nb2
- Program for drawing 2D math functions within a nice GUI
- genius-1.0.27nb12
- Calculator and math tool
- glpk-5.0
- Library for solving linear programming problems
- gnome-calculator-45.0.2nb10
- Desktop calculator for GNOME
- gnumeric-1.12.53nb19
- Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project
- gp-autpgrp-1.1nb1
- GAP package for finding automorphism groups of finite p-groups
- gp-factint-1.3nb1
- Integer factorization routines for GAP
- gp-fplsa-1.0nb2
- GAP interface to FPLSA
- gp-grape-4.1nb2
- GRAPE (GRape Algorithms using PErmutation groups)
- gp-grpconst-2.0nb1
- GAP package for finding isomorphism classes of finite groups
- gp-lag-2.1nb1
- GAP Bracket Lie Algebra functions
- grace-5.1.25nb29
- GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data
- graphopt-0.4.1nb5
- Optimize graph layouts
- grpn-1.3.3nb36
- Graphical reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
- gsl-2.8
- The GNU Scientific Library
- gtklife-5.1nb42
- The game of life
- harmbase2-20220109nb1
- Harmonic constant management system
- harmgen-3.1.3nb6
- Program to derive harmonic constants from water level observations
- harminv-1.3.1nb2
- Solver of harmonic inversion
- heirloom-factor-070715
- Collection of standard Unix utilities (factor)
- heirloom-units-070715
- Collection of standard Unix utilities (units)
- hercules4sdl-decnumber-3.68.0nb20220201
- The SoftDevLabs version of decNumber for Hercules 4.x
- hercules4sdl-softfloat-3.5.0nb20220201
- The SoftDevLabs version of SoftFloat for Hercules 4.x
- herisvm-0.8.0nb4
- svm-train wrapper running cross-validation in parallel
- hs-adjunctions-4.4.2nb5
- Adjunctions and representable functors
- hs-algebraic-graphs-0.7nb5
- Library for algebraic graph construction and transformation
- hs-bifunctors-5.6.2nb2
- Bifunctors
- hs-commutative-semigroups-
- Commutative semigroups
- hs-comonad-5.0.9nb1
- Comonads, dual of Monads
- hs-contravariant-1.5.5nb7
- Contravariant functors
- hs-dense-linear-algebra-
- Simple and incomplete pure haskell implementation of linear algebra
- hs-digits-0.3.1nb3
- Converts integers to lists of digits and back
- hs-distributive-
- Haskell 98 Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable
- hs-free-5.2nb3
- Monads for free
- hs-ieee754-0.8.0nb9
- Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers
- hs-indexed-profunctors-
- Utilities for indexed profunctors
- hs-integer-conversion-0.1.1nb1
- Conversion from strings to Integer
- hs-integer-logarithms-1.0.4nb1
- Integer logarithms
- hs-invariant-0.6.4nb1
- Haskell98 invariant functors
- hs-kan-extensions-5.2.6nb1
- Kan extensions/lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads
- hs-math-functions-
- Collection of tools for numeric computations
- hs-mod-
- Fast type-safe modular arithmetic
- hs-monoid-subclasses-
- Subclasses of Monoid
- hs-mwc-random-
- Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation
- hs-nats-1.1.2nb9
- Haskell 98 natural numbers
- hs-primes-
- Efficient, purely functional generation of prime numbers
- hs-profunctors-5.6.2nb9
- Profunctors
- hs-quote-quot-
- Divide without division
- hs-scientific-
- Numbers represented using scientific notation
- hs-semigroupoids-6.0.1nb1
- Semigroupoids: Category sans id
- hs-semigroups-0.20nb7
- Anything that associates
- hs-semirings-0.7nb1
- Two monoids as one, in holy haskimony
- hs-statistics-
- Library of statistical types, data, and functions
- imath-3.1.12
- 2D and 3D vector, matrix, and math operations for computer graphics
- Ipopt-3.11.5nb1
- Interior Point OPTimizer
- isl-0.26
- Integer set library required by gcc graphite
- itpp-4.0.7nb1
- Library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines
- kalgebra-23.08.4nb7
- KDE graph calculator
- kalker-2.2.1
- CLI calculator supporting math-like syntax with user-defined variables
- kcalc-23.08.4nb6
- KDE scientific calculator
- kissfft-131.1.0
- Simple mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform
- lapack-3.12.0
- Linear Algebra PACKage (Netlib reference implementation)
- lapack64-3.12.0
- Reference Linear Algebra PACKage with 64 bit indices
- lapacke-3.12.0
- C interface to the reference LAPACK library
- lapacke64-3.12.0
- C interface to the reference LAPACK with 64 bit indices
- libffm-0.28nb1
- Fast alpha-optimized replacement for some libm routines
- libfixmath-0.0.0pre20220623nb1
- Q16.16 format fixed point operations in C
- libint-2.0.0
- Efficient computation of quantum mechanical matrix elements over Gaussian basis sets
- libixion-0.19.0nb3
- General purpose formula parser & interpreter
- liblbfgs-1.10
- Library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS)
- liblinear-2.48
- Library for large linear classification
- libmatheval-1.1.11nb1
- Library for evaluating mathematical expressions
- libnumbertext-1.0.11
- Convert to number names from numbers
- libquadmath-11.1.0nb1
- GCC Quad-Precision Math Library
- libshorttext-1.1nb4
- Library for short-text classification and analysis
- libsvm-3.24nb3
- Library for Support Vector Machines
- linpack-20010510nb3
- Library of linear algebra Fortran routines
- lp_solve-
- Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver
- ltm-1.3.0
- Number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
- lua54-cassowary-2.3.2
- Constraint solver for Lua
- lumina-calculator-1.6.0nb18
- Scientific calculator from the Lumina desktop
- mapm-4.9.5a
- Arbitrary Precision Math library
- mathomatic-16.0.4nb1
- Small portable symbolic math program
- maxima-5.44.0nb5
- Computer algebra system
- mcsim-5.4.0nb2
- Monte Carlo Simulation software
- meschach-1.2bnb1
- Library of C Routines for Matrix Computations
- metis-4.0.3
- Unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system
- minisat-2.2.0
- Minimalistic yet highly efficient SAT solver
- minpack-20001130nb2
- FORTRAN 77 library for the solution of nonlinear equations
- mpcomplex-1.3.1
- Multiprecision complex arithmetic library
- mpdecimal-4.0.0
- C/C++ arbitrary precision decimal floating point libraries
- mpfi-1.5.4
- Multiprecision interval arithmetic library
- mpfr-4.2.1
- GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
- mprime-bin-24.14
- Mersenne prime tester (binary)
- mtl-
- Matrix Template Library
- muparser-
- Parser for mathematical expressions
- newmat-11
- Newmat C++ Matrix Library
- nickle-2.97
- Desk calculator language
- nlopt-2.10.0
- Nonlinear optimization library
- ntl-11.5.1nb1
- C++ library for doing number theory
- ocaml-num-1.4nb1
- Library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic
- ocaml-zarith-1.12nb1
- OCaml arithmetic library for arbitrary precision integers
- octave-9.4.0
- High-level language, intended for numerical computations
- odepack-20001130nb2
- Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers
- openaxiom-1.4.1nb5
- Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations
- openblas-0.3.26
- Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas)
- openblas64-0.3.26
- Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64)
- openblas64_openmp-0.3.26
- Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_openmp)
- openblas64_pthread-0.3.26
- Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_pthread)
- openblas_openmp-0.3.26
- Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_openmp)
- openblas_pthread-0.3.26
- Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_pthread)
- openfst-1.8.2
- Library for manipulating transducers
- ordCalc-0.2nb8
- Ordinal arithmetic calculator and research tool
- otter-3.0.6
- Automated Deduction System
- p5-Algorithm-BloomFilter-0.02nb7
- Simple bloom filter data structure
- p5-Algorithm-Cluster-1.59nb5
- Perl interface to the C Clustering Library
- p5-Algorithm-Munkres-0.08nb11
- Munkres Assignment for square and rectangular matrices
- p5-Alien-GMP-1.16nb4
- Alien package for the GNU Multiple Precision library
- p5-Excel-Template-0.34nb9
- Perl module for templating Excel files
- p5-Excel-Template-Plus-0.06nb9
- Extension to the Excel::Template module
- p5-Math-Base-Convert-0.11nb9
- Very fast base to base conversion
- p5-Math-Base36-0.14nb9
- Perl 5 module to encode and decode base36 strings
- p5-Math-Base85-0.5nb3
- Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
- p5-Math-BaseCnv-1.14nb8
- Fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases
- p5-Math-Bezier-0.01nb18
- Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves
- p5-Math-BigInt-2.003004
- Arbitrary size integer math perl package
- p5-Math-BigInt-GMP-1.7001nb1
- Perl module for arbitrary size integer math via the GMP library
- p5-Math-BigInt-Pari-1.3014nb1
- Perl5 library to use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines
- p5-Math-BigInteger-1.0nb18
- Arbitrary length integer extension module for Perl
- p5-Math-Calc-Units-1.07nb7
- Human-readable unit-aware calculator
- p5-Math-Derivative-1.01nb7
- Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
- p5-Math-FFT-1.36nb3
- Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms
- p5-Math-GMP-2.25nb2
- Perl 5 module for high speed arbitrary size integer math
- p5-Math-Int128-0.22nb6
- Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
- p5-Math-Int64-0.57nb1
- Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
- p5-Math-Matrix-0.94nb2
- Math::Matrix - Multiply and invert Matrices
- p5-Math-MatrixReal-2.13nb8
- Perl module for performing operations on real matrices
- p5-Math-Pari-2.030523nb2
- Perl5 interface to the pari math library
- p5-Math-Permute-List-1.007nb9
- Permute a list
- p5-Math-Prime-Util-0.73nb6
- Perl5 utilities related to prime numbers
- p5-Math-Random-0.72nb8
- Random number generators
- p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-1.004nb11
- Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS-1.004nb11
- C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm for Perl modules
- p5-Math-Random-MT-1.17nb8
- The Mersenne Twister PRNG
- p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto-6.23nb4
- Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
- p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl-1.15nb8
- Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
- p5-Math-Round-0.08nb1
- Perl extension for rounding numbers
- p5-Math-Spline-0.02nb11
- Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
- p5-Math-Utils-1.14nb4
- Useful mathematical functions not in Perl
- p5-Math-VecStat-0.08nb15
- Some basic numeric stats on vectors
- p5-Number-Compare-0.03nb13
- Compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine
- p5-Number-Latin-1.01nb18
- Perl module for "lower/upper-latin" numbering system
- p5-Number-Range-0.12nb8
- Define ranges and test if number is in range
- p5-Number-Tolerant-1.710nb1
- Perl5 module for tolerance ranges for inexact numbers
- p5-Number-WithError-1.01nb7
- Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
- p5-Roman-1.24nb8
- Conversion of numeric notation between Roman and Arabic
- p5-Set-Crontab-1.03nb14
- Perl module to parse crontab(5)-like lists of integers
- p5-Set-Infinite-0.65nb15
- Perl module for sets of integers and objects
- p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.6600nb1
- Perl module to get information from an Excel file
- p5-Spreadsheet-Read-0.91
- Perl 5 module to read the data from a spreadsheet
- p5-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC-0.24nb4
- Perl 5 module to extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data
- p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.40nb9
- Create Excel data files
- p5-Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.18nb1
- Perl 5 module to read MS Excel 2007 files
- p5-Statistics-Basic-1.6611nb4
- Collection of very basic statistics modules
- p5-Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15nb7
- Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals
- p5-Statistics-Descriptive-3.0801nb1
- Perl module of basic descriptive statistical functions
- p5-Statistics-Distributions-1.02nb10
- Perl module of computations with distributions
- p5-Statistics-TTest-1.1.0nb10
- Perl module of confidence interval computation using T-Tests
- p5-Test-Number-Delta-1.06nb10
- Compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance
- pari-2.15.3nb1
- Software package for computer-aided number theory
- pari-galdata-2.2
- Galois group data for pari
- pari-seadata-0.0a20090618
- Schoof/Atkins/Elkies data for pari
- pari-seadata-small-0.0a20090618
- Schoof/Atkins/Elkies data for pari
- pari-2.3.5nb30
- Software package for computer-aided number theory (2.3 version)
- pcg-0.94
- Random number generator
- php82-pear-Math_BigInteger-1.0.3nb1
- Provides base-2, base-10, base-16, and base-256 numbers
- php82-pear-Numbers_Roman-1.0.2nb1
- Provides methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals
- php82-pear-Numbers_Words-0.18.2nb1
- Provides methods for spelling numerals in words
- php82-bcmath-8.2.27nb1
- PHP extension for bc-style arbitrary precision math
- php74-stats-2.0.3nb1
- PHP extension for statistical computation
- plumed-2.8.0nb2
- Molecular dynamics support library
- ppl-1.2nb4
- The Parma Polyhedra Library
- prng-3.0.2
- Portable, high-performance ANSI-C pseudorandom number generators
- pspp-0.6.2nb71
- Program for statistical analysis of sampled data
- py312-Keras-Applications-1.0.8nb1
- Reference implementations of popular deep learning models
- py312-Keras-Preprocessing-1.1.0nb1
- Data preprocessing and augmentation for deep learning models
- py312-almost-0.1.5nb1
- Python module to compare two numbers generously
- py312-arviz-0.19.0
- Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
- py312-asdf-4.1.0
- Advanced Scientific Data Format
- py312-asdf-standard-1.1.1
- ASDF Standard schemas
- py312-asdf-transform-schemas-0.5.0
- ASDF schemas for transforms
- py312-asdf_astropy-0.7.0
- ASDF serialization support for astropy objects
- py312-asdf_coordinates_schemas-0.3.0
- ASDF schemas for validating coordinates tags
- py312-asdf_wcs_schemas-0.4.0
- ASDF schemas for validating WCS tags
- py312-asteval-1.0.6
- Safe, minimalistic expression evaluator using ast module
- py312-astroML-1.0.2.post1
- Astropy affiliated module for machine learning and data mining
- py312-astropy-7.0.1
- Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis
- py312-astropy-iers-data-0.2025.
- IERS Earth Rotation and Leap Second tables for astropy
- py312-bottleneck-1.4.2
- Collection of fast NumPy array functions written in C
- py27-cdecimal-2.3nb1
- Arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic
- py312-claripy-9.2.98
- Abstraction layer for constraint solvers
- py312-colormath-3.0.0
- Module that spares the user from directly dealing with color math
- py312-ephem-
- Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python
- py27-fpconst-0.7.2nb1
- IEEE 754 floating point special handling for Python
- py312-gmpy2-2.2.1
- Interface to GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC for Python
- py312-gwcs-0.21.0
- Generalized World Coordinate System
- py312-hmmlearn-0.3.3
- Algorithms for inference of Hidden Markov Models
- py312-huggingface-hub-0.28.1
- The official Python client for the Huggingface Hub
- py312-infinity-1.5nb1
- All-in-one infinity value for Python
- py312-intervals-0.9.2nb1
- Tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects)
- py312-jplephem-2.22
- Python module to load a JPL ephemeris for dynamical calculations
- py312-kiwisolver-1.4.8
- Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
- py312-libixion-0.19.0nb3
- General purpose formula parser & interpreter
- py312-lmfit-1.3.2
- Least-squares minimization with bounds and constraints
- py312-mpmath-1.3.0
- Python library for arbitrary-precision FP arithmetic
- py312-munkres-1.1.4
- Munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem
- py312-netCDF4-1.7.2
- Object-oriented python interface to netCDF version 4
- py312-networkx-3.4.2
- Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
- py312-noise-1.2.2nb1
- Perlin noise for Python
- py312-nptyping-2.5.0
- Type hints for NumPy
- py312-numba-0.61.0
- NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
- py312-numexpr-2.10.2
- Numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
- py312-numpy-2.2.2
- Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects
- py312-pandas-2.2.3
- Python Data Analysis Library
- py312-pandas-datareader-0.10.0nb1
- Remote data access for pandas
- py312-patsy-1.0.1
- Python package for describing statistical models
- py312-photutils-1.0.1nb2
- Astropy coordinated module for astronomical photometry
- py312-powerlaw-1.4.6nb1
- Toolbox for analysis of heavy-tailed distributions
- py312-pyerfa-
- Python wrapper for ERFA library
- py312-pymc3-3.11.6
- Bayesian modeling and probabilistic machine learning
- py312-pythran-0.17.0
- Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels
- py312-pywavelets-1.8.0
- Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python
- py312-quadprog-0.1.13
- Solver for a strictly convex quadratic program
- py312-roman-5.0
- Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
- py312-rpy-3.4.5nb2
- R interface for Python
- py312-scikit-image-0.24.0
- Image processing routines for SciPy
- py312-scikit-learn-1.6.1
- Machine learning algorithms for Python
- py312-scipy-1.15.1nb1
- Scientific Algorithms Library for Python
- py312-simpleeval-1.0.3
- Simple, safe single expression evaluator library
- py312-sklearn-pandas-2.2.0
- Pandas integration with sklearn
- py312-smt-0.9.6
- Library for SMT formula manipulation and solving
- py312-statsmodels-0.14.4
- Statistical computations and models for Python
- py312-sympy-1.13.3
- Python library for symbolic mathematics
- py312-tables-3.10.2
- Database package for large amounts of data
- py312-tensorboard-1.7.0nb2
- Web applications for inspecting TensorFlow runs and graphs
- py312-theano-pymc-1.1.2
- Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions
- py312-torch-2.5.1nb1
- Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python
- py312-uncertainties-3.2.2
- Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved
- py312-xarray-2025.1.2
- N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
- py312-xarray-einstats-0.8.0
- Stats, linear algebra and einops for xarray
- py312-xgboost-2.1.4
- XGBoost Python Package
- py312-z3-4.13.0
- Efficient SMT solver library
- qalculate-5.1.1nb3
- Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (console version)
- qalculate-gtk-5.0.0nb8
- Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (GTK version)
- qcalc-0.15.2
- Terminal GUI calculator
- qhull-2020.2nb1
- Computing the convex hull
- qrupdate-1.1.2
- Library for fast updating of QR and Cholesky decompositions
- quadpack-20001130nb2
- Fortran subroutines for the solution of definite univariate integrals
- randlib-1.3nb1
- Library of C Routines for Random Number Generation
- ranger-0.4.2
- Fast Implementation of Random Forests
- ruby32-enumerable-statistics-2.0.8
- Statistics features for Enumerable
- ruby32-narray-
- N-dimensional Numerical Array class for Ruby
- ruby32-roo-2.10.1
- Ruby library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
- ruby32-spreadsheet-1.3.3
- Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
- sc-7.16_1.1.2
- Curses-based spreadsheet program
- sc-im-0.8.3nb9
- Curses-based spreadsheet program based on sc
- scalapack-2.2.0
- Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
- scilab-4.1nb30
- High-level scientific math programming environment with graphics
- slatec-4.1nb3
- Library of mathematical and statistical Fortran 77 subroutines
- smath-studio-0.99.7822
- Tiny, powerful, free mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor
- snns-4.3nb2
- Software simulator for neural networks
- sollya-8.0nb7
- Environment and library for safe floating-point code development
- speedcrunch-0.12.0nb33
- Calculator
- stan-math-2.18.1
- Stan Math library
- statist-1.0.1nb3
- Small and portable statistics program
- suitesparse-7.8.2
- Set of packages for sparse matrices calculation
- sundials-4.1.0nb2
- Suite of nonlinear and differential/algrbraic equation solvers
- superlu-6.0.1nb1
- Library for solving large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
- svmlin-1.0
- Fast Linear SVM Solvers for Supervised and Semi-supervised Learning
- tasp-vsipl-20030710nb2
- Vector Signal Image Processing Library
- teapot-2.3.0nb3
- Curses based spread sheet program
- tex-apnum-1.7
- Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros
- tex-apnum-doc-1.7
- Documentation for tex-apnum
- tex-fp-2.1d
- Fixed point arithmetic
- tex-fp-doc-2.1d
- Documentation for tex-fp
- tex-japanese-mathformulas-1.0.2
- Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
- tex-japanese-mathformulas-doc-1.0.2
- Documentation for tex-japanese-mathformulas
- tex-jpneduenumerate-1.2
- Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
- tex-jpneduenumerate-doc-1.2
- Documentation for tex-jpneduenumerate
- tex-jpnedumathsymbols-1.1
- Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
- tex-jpnedumathsymbols-doc-1.1
- Documentation for tex-jpnedumathsymbols
- tex-kastrup-2010
- Expansible conversion into binary-based number systems
- tex-kastrup-doc-2010
- Documentation for tex-kastrup
- tex-lualatex-math-1.12
- Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
- tex-lualatex-math-doc-1.12
- Documentation for tex-lualatex-math
- tex-mathpartir-1.3.2
- Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules
- tex-mathpartir-doc-1.3.2
- Documentation for tex-mathpartir
- tex-mathspec-0.2bnb1
- Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX
- tex-mathspec-doc-0.2b
- Documentation for tex-mathspec
- tex-minifp-0.96
- Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals
- tex-minifp-doc-0.96
- Documentation for tex-minifp
- tex-physics-1.3
- Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
- tex-physics-doc-1.3
- Documentation for tex-physics
- tex-unicode-math-0.8r
- Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
- tex-unicode-math-doc-0.8r
- Documentation for tex-unicode-math
- tex-zhnumber-3.0
- Typeset Chinese representations of numbers
- tex-zhnumber-doc-3.0
- Documentation for tex-zhnumber
- texdrive-0.0.20081126.171834nb4
- Emacs mode for creating inline formulae for HTML
- tochnog-20010429
- Finite Element Analysis Program
- udunits-2.2.26
- Library and program for manipulating units of physical quantities
- units-2.01nb5
- GNU Units - a calculator capable of performing unit conversions
- vista-5.05nb1
- Visual statistics system
- volk-2.5.2nb1
- The Vector Optimized Library of Kernels
- vowpal_wabbit-8.2.0nb22
- Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system
- wxmathplot-0.2.0nb13
- wxWidgets add-on for easy 2D plotting
- wxmaxima-23.12.0nb9
- Graphical UI for maxima
- xeukleides-1.0.1nb2
- X-Frontend for A Euclidean geometry drawing language
- xfractint-20.4.14nb3
- Fractint for X11
- xgap-4.16nb3
- GUI for GAP
- xldlas-0.85nb12
- XForms-based statistics package
- xlife-5.0nb6
- John Horton Conway's "Game of Life"
- xlispstat-3.52.20
- Statistics/X11-based LISP interpreter
- xmgr-4.1.2nb47
- Powerful XY plotting tool for workstations or X-terminals using X
- xyconvert-1.6nb15
- Converter for x-y (powder diffraction) data files
- xylib-1.6
- Library for reading powder diffraction data
- yacas-1.2.2nb11
- Yet Another Computer Algebra System
- yices2-2.6.1
- Yices 2 SMT solver
- yorick-1.6.02nb2
- Numerical algebra system (similar to Matlab)
- z3-4.13.0
- The Z3 theorem prover / SMT solver