geography - The NetBSD Packages Collection
Software for geographical-related uses
There are
packages in this category:
- R-PROJ-0.5.0
- Generic Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'
- R-cartography-3.1.4
- Thematic Cartography
- R-countrycode-1.6.0
- Convert country names and country codes
- R-crsmeta-0.3.0
- Extract Coordinate System Metadata
- R-deldir-2.0.4
- Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
- R-geosphere-1.5.20
- Spherical Trigonometry
- R-ggspatial-1.1.9
- Spatial Data Framework for ggplot2
- R-lwgeom-0.2.14
- Bindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple Features
- R-mapdata-2.3.1
- Extra Map Databases
- R-maps-
- Draw Geographical Maps
- R-maptools-1.1.7
- Tools for handling spatial objects
- R-osmar-1.1.7
- OpenStreetMap and R
- R-osmdata-0.2.5
- Import 'OpenStreetMap' Data as Simple Features or Spatial Objects
- R-prettymapr-0.2.5
- Scale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R
- R-proj4-1.0.14
- Simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library
- R-raster-3.6.31
- Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling
- R-reproj-0.7.0
- Coordinate System Transformations for Generic Map Data
- R-rnaturalearth-1.0.1
- World Map Data from Natural Earth
- R-rnaturalearthdata-1.0.0
- World Vector Map Data from Natural Earth Used in 'rnaturalearth'
- R-rnaturalearthhires-1.0.0
- High Resolution World Vector Map Data from Natural Earth
- R-rosm-0.3.0
- Plot Raster Map Tiles from Open Street Map and Other Sources
- R-s2-1.1.7
- Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
- R-sf-1.0.19
- Simple Features for R
- R-spData-2.3.4
- Datasets for Spatial Analysis
- R-spatstat-3.3.1
- Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
- Datasets for 'spatstat'
- R-spatstat.explore-3.3.4
- Exploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family
- R-spatstat.geom-3.3.5
- Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
- R-spatstat.linnet-3.2.5
- Linear Networks Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
- R-spatstat.model-3.3.4
- Parametric Statistical Modelling & Inference for the 'spatstat'
- R-spatstat.random-3.3.2
- Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
- R-spatstat.sparse-3.1.0
- Sparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities
- R-spatstat.univar-3.1.1
- One-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the 'spatstat' Family
- R-spatstat.utils-3.1.2
- Utility Functions for 'spatstat'
- R-stars-0.6.8
- Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
- R-terra-1.8.21
- Spatial Data Analysis
- R-wk-0.9.4
- Lightweight well-known geometry parsing
- cm2gpx-1.0.4
- CacheMate PDB-to-GPX file converter
- cmconvert-1.9.5nb1
- CacheMate import file converter for GPS GPX files
- echomap-0.7.3
- Preview map files in the terminal
- epsg-8.1
- EPSG geodetic parameters database
- epsg-docs-200911nb1
- EPSG geodetic parameters database documentation
- gama-2.33
- Geodetic network adjustment (surveying)
- garmin-utils-2.5nb1
- Utilities for Garmin GPS receivers
- garmintools-0.10nb1
- Utilities for Garmin Forerunner 305 and similar GPS units
- gdal-lib-3.10.2
- Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
- geoclue-2.5.7nb15
- Geoinformation service API and base providers
- geocode-glib-3.26.2nb13
- GNOME convenience library for geocoding
- geos-3.13.1
- C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
- gipfel-0.4.1nb2
- Photogrammetry for mountain images
- gpsbabel-1.9.0nb4
- Utility to convert and fetch GPS related data
- gpsd-3.25nb11
- GPS information daemon
- gpspoint-2.030521nb1
- Program to download and upload waypoints to and from your GPS device
- gpsutils-0.4.0
- Capture and convert data from a Garmin GPS receiver
- gpxsee-13.26nb3
- GPS log file viewer and analyzer
- hs-country-codes-0.1.4
- ISO 3166 country codes and i18n names
- kplex-1.3.2
- Multitransport NMEA-0183 software data multiplexer
- laszip-3.4.3
- Free and lossless LiDAR compression
- libchamplain012-0.12.20nb28
- Map widget
- libdrg-0.0.81nb6
- Library for reading and merging DRG files
- libgeotiff-1.7.4
- Library and tools for reading and writing GeoTIFF data
- libmaxminddb-1.12.2
- C library for the MaxMind DB file format
- libmemphis02-0.2.3nb14
- Library for OpenStreetMap
- libnova-0.15.0
- Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics calculation library
- librttopo-1.1.0
- Create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies
- libspatialite-5.1.0nb7
- Library intended to extend SQLite core to support Spatial SQL
- lua54-mmdb-0.2
- MaxMind Geolocation database format parser for Lua
- mapcode-2.5.5
- Mapcode Library for C/C++
- mapserver-8.2.2nb8
- Environment for building spatially enabled Internet apps
- merkaartor-0.20.0nb9
- OpenStreetMap mapping program
- opencpn-5.0.0nb41
- Concise ChartPlotter/Navigator
- opencpn-plugin-debugger-20170414nb24
- Shows the messages on OpenCPN's plugin interface
- opencpn-plugin-draw-1.6.8nb15
- place georeferenced objects/items on the OpenCPN interface
- opencpn-plugin-gshhs-2.2.4
- complete OpenCPN shoreline database
- opencpn-plugin-plots-2.2.12nb13
- visualizes sailing performance data
- opencpn-plugin-statusbar-20180405nb22
- statusbar to display various info to users in OpenCPN
- opencpn-plugin-watchdog-2.4.6nb16
- Various configurable alarms in OpenCPN
- opencpn-plugin-weather_routing-20180827nb18
- creates optimized weather routes using grib data in OpenCPN
- osm-gps-map-1.2.0nb21
- Gtk+ Widget for Displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
- osm2pgsql-1.9.2
- OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL converter
- p5-Class-Measure-0.10nb2
- Create, compare, and convert units of measurement
- p5-GIS-Distance-0.20nb2
- Calculate geographic distances
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-Transform-0.10nb2
- Transform Lat/Long between various different coordinate functions
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.11nb10
- Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
- p5-Geo-Distance-0.25nb3
- Calculate Distances and Closest Locations
- p5-Geo-Ellipsoid-1.15nb4
- Longitude and latitude calculations using an ellipsoid model
- p5-Geo-Gpx-1.11nb1
- Geo::Gpx - Create and parse GPX files
- p5-Geo-Mercator-1.01nb16
- Perl5 module computing Mercator Projection into meters
- p5-Geo-ShapeFile-3.03nb2
- Perl extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles
- p5-Geo-Weather-1.41nb16
- Perl5 weather retrieval module
- p5-Geography-Countries-2009041301nb15
- Perl5 module for mapping country names and codes
- pdal-lib-2.8.4
- Point Data Abstraction Library
- proj-9.5.1
- Cartographic projection software
- proj-data-1.20
- Cartographic projection software data files
- proj-doc-9.1.0
- PDF documentation for the PROJ cartographic projection software
- py312-country-24.6.1
- ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script
- py312-gdal-3.10.2nb1
- Translator library for raster geospatial data formats, Python binding
- py312-geoip2-5.0.1
- MaxMind GeoIP2 API
- py312-geojson-3.2.0
- Python bindings and utlities for GeoJSON
- py312-geomet-1.1.0
- Pure Python conversion library for common geospatial data formats
- py312-googlemaps-4.10.0
- Python client library for Google Maps Platform
- py312-maxminddb-2.6.3
- Reader for the MaxMind DB format
- py312-obspy-1.4.1
- Python framework for seismological observatories
- py312-owslib-0.32.1nb1
- OGC Web Service utility library
- py312-proj-3.7.0nb3
- Python interface to PROJ.4 library
- py312-trytond-country-6.2.0nb2
- Country module of the Tryton application platform
- py312-trytond-google-maps-6.2.0nb1
- Google Maps module of the Tryton application platform
- qgis-3.34.15nb2
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- qt6-qtlocation-6.8.2
- Qt6 location module
- qt6-qtpositioning-6.8.2
- Qt6 positioning module
- shapelib-1.6.1
- Library for reading, writing and updating (limited) ESRI Shapefiles
- spatialindex-1.9.3
- Robust spatial indexing methods
- tex-pst-geo-2.07
- Geographical Projections
- tex-pst-geo-doc-2.07
- Documentation for tex-pst-geo
- viking-1.10nb27
- Viking manages GPS data, supports OpenStreetMap and geocaching
- xrmap-2.29nb2
- Earth map viewer - complete
- xrmap-anthems-1.3
- National anthems (text) for xrmap
- xrmap-base-2.29nb3
- Earth map viewer - base program
- xrmap-data-0nb1
- Vector data for xrmap
- xrmap-factbook_html-2002nb1
- CIA factbook for xrmap (HTML)
- xrmap-factbook_text-2006
- CIA factbook for xrmap
- xrmap-flags-1.1nb1
- National flags for xrmap
- xrmap-hymns-1.2nb1
- National anthems (MIDI) for xrmap
- xrmap-pdfmaps-1.1nb1
- PDF maps for xrmap